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Music Treatments

Task: create two different music treatments for a given film clip that will utilise sound synthesis and sampling.

All video footage from 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick (1968) - stargate scene.

Footage and audio used for academic purposes, please see references below for original material.

Treatment 1

Required to use existing music to create a soundtrack for the clip.

The first treatment utilised a sound collage effect, with psychedelic elements and space age references.

Created with the following tracks: Great Hosannah by Kula Shaker, Daisy Bell from IBM 7094 archive, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss, Space Oddity by David Bowie and Space transmissions from Nasa.

Treatment 2

Required to create an original soundtrack for the same chosen clip.

The second treatment was an original composition - I wanted this piece to reflect the musical choices of the film whilst keeping a retro feel. Originally starting with the sampler piano - which had been created in an earlier assignment. Later synthesised effects were added - predominately with the Korg Micro XL. Self recorded vocals were warped with various processing techniques. I also decided to create another sampler, this time for strings, which was patched through Max/MSP to add to the "Kitsch" sound.


  • Bowie, D. (1969). Space Oddity [Recorded by D. Bowie]. On David Bowie. London, UK.

  • Kubrick, S. (Director). (1968). 2001: A Space Odyssey[Motion Picture]. Mills, C. (1999).

  • Great Hosannah [Recorded by K. Shaker]. On Peasants, Pigs & Astronauts. London, UK.

  • NASA. (n.d.). NASA. Retrieved from Soundcloud: Radovic, S. (2008, December 9).

  • First computer to sing – Daisy Bell. Retrieved from YouTube:

  • Strauss, R. (1981). Also Sprach Zarathustra [Recorded by B. S. Orchestra]. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.


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